To bypass government blocking of website names
To bypass government blocking of website names, use numerical IP addresses:
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#Algeria users Dial-up on +16504194196 - +390662207294 Or use Speak To Tweet by calling +16504194196 - +390662207294 #Feb12 #5freesongs
Proxy sites like and the program 'Tor'
Please share and make viral
Expect Us (Message to the leaders of Iran) Tehran Iran
Hello, leaders of Iran. We are Anonymous.
A nation striving for freedom has withstood tyranny long enough
For 30 years you have promised lies after lies and issued false accusations of foreign involvement
Your time has run out. These lies have been foiled by your own citizens who have shed their blood in protest
They have risen against you and continue doing so by the millions
40 days and 40 nights have passed and you have continued your bloodthirsty bestial attacks on your own citizens. your brutal suppressive ways have been noted
Knowledge is free but your citizens are not
Anonymous Iran Launches Cyber War on islamic regime computers
Anonymous Iran
I am glad to tell you that the church of scientology in france is closed.
With Iran, for Iran Operation Iran #opIran irc:// Current Targets: &
Download database leaked by Anonymous Hackers, database leaked by Anonymous Hackers, Available for Download ! : The Hacker News ~
The table pic shown is the list of accounts found in MySQL database backup with passwords in cleartext.
On February 6, 2011, as part of their attack on HBGary, the Anonymous group social engineered administrator of, Jussi Jaakonaho, to gain root access to The entire MySQL database backup was then released by Anonymous and announced using HBGary's CEO Twitter account,
@aaronbarr : Sup, here's MySQL Backup #hbgary #rootkit #anonymous.
The table pic shown is the list of accounts found in MySQL database backup with passwords in cleartext.
On February 6, 2011, as part of their attack on HBGary, the Anonymous group social engineered administrator of, Jussi Jaakonaho, to gain root access to The entire MySQL database backup was then released by Anonymous and announced using HBGary's CEO Twitter account,
@aaronbarr : Sup, here's MySQL Backup #hbgary #rootkit #anonymous.
Operation Algeria II.: 12. February 11:00 GMT
Operation Algeria - DDoS Attack starts: 12th February 2011
11:00 GMT
(Anonymous has taken down the website of Algeria's president 11:00 Algerian time. #OpAlgeria)
(Anonymous has taken down the website of Algeria's president 11:00 Algerian time. #OpAlgeria)
The Operation Algeria is an Anonymous' action to support the Algerian people who protest against oppression
L'operation algeria a été créé pour dénoncer l'attitude répressive du gouvernement algérien.
Vous trouverez toutes les infos ici:
- Les Anonymous ont envoyé un message d’avertissement au gouvernement algérien le 17 janvier. Message relayé par El Watan, contacté par les Anonymous.
- Les câbles sur l’Algérie qui ont été traduits:
- 08ALGER85: Selon l’ambassadeur de France, Bouteflika ne doit pas partir mais l’Algérie a besoin d’avancer
- 10ALGIERS111 : Enquête sur la corruption de directeurs de la compagnie pétrolière nationale en Algérie
- 07ALGIERS1806: Un régime souffrant et fragile qui est à la dérive
- 09ALGIERS1077 : Bouteflika et Ward : nous voulons une relation stratégique
- 09ALGIERS370 : Bouteflika réélu dans une élection jouée d’avance
- Petit guide pour contourner la censure de l’internet
- Le petit guide du manifestant
Il y a aussi une page facebook consacrée à l’opération Algeria.
Anonymous - Opération Algérie - Rejoignez nous !
Communiqué de presse du Collectif Anonymous du 30 janvier 2011.
Opération Algeria - #opalgeria SSL 6697.
Nous, les Anonymous, avons été particulièrement choqués et horrifiés par l'extrême violence de la répression de la manifestation du samedi 22 janvier organisée par des forces d'opposition. Nous tenons à exprimer notre solidarité et notre compassion envers les familles des blessés. C'est pourquoi, nous avons décidé à ce moment là, de lancer des attaques contre les sites web du gouvernement algérien.
Nous avons pris acte de la nouvelle manifestation organisée par l'opposition le samedi 12 février. Une fois de plus, nous serons extrêmement vigilants au déroulement de la manifestation que nous suivrons de très près. Nous ne voulons aucune violence et sommons le gouvernement algérien de respecter les droits fondamentaux de ses citoyens.
La liberté d'expression est un droit inaliénable qu'aucun régime ne pourra fouler sans payer un lourd tribut pour ce méfait. Nous, les Anonymous, exigeons le retrait immédiat de l'état d'urgence qui sévit dans ce pays depuis 1992 et qui empêche les citoyens d'exprimer leur aspiration légitime à la liberté. Un tel comportement est intolérable car il ne respecte pas les principes de base de l'Etat de Droit.
Anonymous Opération Algérie (#opalgeria) :
Anonymous | Opération Algérie (#opalgeria)
A Message to the People of Algeria
You are Anonymous. You will not forgive. You will not forget. You will not be denied your right to Free Speech, Free Press,
and Free Association and your right to an uncensored world of information provided by the internet.
We can stand together and unite against this oppression. Not just for you alone, but as a statement to the rest of the world.
To unite and send a message that you, are not quiet citizens who can be peddled and choked into submission.
We are not quiet. We are loud and when the people roar it quakes the foundations with which these Governments stand.
We are Citizens and if we choose: We are Anonymous.
Anonymous is a banner under which any Citizen can fly. It is a banner that accentuates the bold and loud manner we as Citizens must act by, when needed.
Most importantly Anonymous unites us all, regardless of sex, race, or place of birth. It unites us and calls us Citizens of the Free World.
A world where we, as Citizens, can stand up and make our mark in history. For these times will be the printed words our children read.
Let your children and your children's children be proud that you were a part of the revolution that changed the world. The revolution that said:
We do not forgive corruption.
We do not forget injustice.
We do not tolerate the denial of these freedoms.
We will not be denied!
When we stand together we have strength! Join the battle for freedom worldwide!
We are Anonymous.
We do not forgive the denial of the Right to Expression.
We do not forget the injustice with which these Rights are removed.
If you are responsible for these acts: Expect Us - Always!
and Free Association and your right to an uncensored world of information provided by the internet.
We can stand together and unite against this oppression. Not just for you alone, but as a statement to the rest of the world.
To unite and send a message that you, are not quiet citizens who can be peddled and choked into submission.
We are not quiet. We are loud and when the people roar it quakes the foundations with which these Governments stand.
We are Citizens and if we choose: We are Anonymous.
Anonymous is a banner under which any Citizen can fly. It is a banner that accentuates the bold and loud manner we as Citizens must act by, when needed.
Most importantly Anonymous unites us all, regardless of sex, race, or place of birth. It unites us and calls us Citizens of the Free World.
A world where we, as Citizens, can stand up and make our mark in history. For these times will be the printed words our children read.
Let your children and your children's children be proud that you were a part of the revolution that changed the world. The revolution that said:
We do not forgive corruption.
We do not forget injustice.
We do not tolerate the denial of these freedoms.
We will not be denied!
When we stand together we have strength! Join the battle for freedom worldwide!
We are Anonymous.
We do not forgive the denial of the Right to Expression.
We do not forget the injustice with which these Rights are removed.
If you are responsible for these acts: Expect Us - Always!
A Warning Message to the Algerian Government:
OpGoya - DDoS Attack starts: 13th February 2011
Operation Goya - DDoS Attack starts: 13th February 2011
Dear Anonymous from around the World:
Once again, we at Anonymous Spain, are forced to ask for your help regarding a subject that affects us in Spain directly.
On January 16th, 2011, we asked for help from Anons around the world, to participate in a DDoS attack as a sign of protest against the "Synde Law", which is intended to close any web page which they considered illegal without the need to go through a judge.
The Senate vote for this law was planned for the 23rd of February, 2011, but without any warning, the 8th of February (15th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the CyberSpace) it was announced that the "Sinde Law" would be voted the next day, the 9th of February, 2011, taking everyone by surprise and jeopardizing our capacity to react.
This particular law, thanks to a deal between the Government (SP) and the opposition, has been aproved in the Senate, and must be now voted in Congress, in about 4 weeks, aprox. All our protests, demonstrations, DDoS attacks have been in vain. There has been no acceptance of dialogue, there has been no acceptance of what we have suggested.
The Goya Cinema Academy Awards will be celebrated on Sunday 13th in Spain. This Academy has clearly shown their support of this law, and we believe that it is itself entirely corrupted. In short, they are using public money in their own interest, diverting public subsidies, at the pleasure of an also corrupt Ministry of Culture.-
On February 13th hundreds of us will attend the Goya awards, and invade the red carpet as a sign of protest against the Sinde Law with our masks and suits.
A DDoS attack has also been scheduled against the Cinema Academy website. A lot of us will be in our way to the Goya Awards ceremony and we will leave the LOIC in HIVE MIND mode, but our strength will be weakened because of that.
We need your support. We need the strength of Anonymous in order to defy the government tirany, and to defy a law that doesn't benefit anyone except for the government itself, and those governing us. We need your help.
The atack has been scheduled for Sunday 13 of Feb of 2011 at 16:00h (GMT+1)
but will start at about 16:20h aproximately.
The channels where this will be carried out and organized are #Hispano for Spanish speaking Anons and #Leysinde for English and French speaking Anons, and those speaking other languages, around the world..
Now more than ever we must show them that we never forget, we never forgive, we are legion. We need your support, please do not leave us stranded. Lets give them the awards that they deserve!
Operation Italy Part 2
Anonymous represent the voice of the people,and that voice has clearly spoken against the current Italian government.
Italian people deserve something better than faggot Berlusconi and his political class.
The ruling political party in Italy stand against everything that Anonymous consider worthwhile:
freedom of expression,freedom of press,and a freely accessible and uncensored internet being only some of those universally granted rights.
We are not willling to set deadlines for our protest;it will endure until all our requests are met by the Italian Government,without exceptions.
It's despicable that the italian gov is trying to prevent his citizens from benefiting from the free-flow of information that internet should give to everyone.
Berlusconi is constantly changing and making new laws as much as he like just to protect himelf and his business while gives no care at all to his citizens.
Girls all over the world are demostrating against his personal behaviour. (Fucking Underage girls for money).
The Italian citizens and the whole world are not amused by the patetic attempt by the gov to maintain the grip on power,
we are NOT terrorists,we do not like or endorse violence,we do not seek to overthrown any political institution.
We simply request OUR rights.
One of them is: being led and ruled by a PM whom only interest is serving his citizens.
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive injustice
We do not forget freedom
Expect us -always-
Expect us -always-
Nuestro manifesto para una Nueva Civilización
Somos la Nueva Civilización
Estamos aquí.
Estamos despertando ahora del pasado para soñar un sueño mas grande.
Somos amigos e iguales, somos diversos y únicos, y estamos unidos por algo mayor que nuestras diferencias.
Creemos en la libertad y la cooperación, abundancia y armonía.
Somos una cultura emergente, un renacimiento de la esencia de la humanidad.
Encontramos nuestra propia guia, y discernimos nuestra propia verdad.
Vamos en muchas direcciones y aún asi nos rehusamos a dispersarnos.
Tenemos muchos nombres, hablamos muchas lenguas.
Somos locales, somos globales.
Estamos en todas las regiones del mundo, estamos en el aire, en todas partes.
Somos universo tomando conciencia de si; somos la ola de la evolución.
Estamos en los ojos de cada niño, encaramos lo desconocido maravillados y excitados.
Somos mensajeros del futuro, viviendo en el presente.
Venimos del silencio, y decimos nuestra verdad.
No podemos estar callados, porque nuestra voz esta dentro de todos.
No tenemos enemigos, ningún límite puede detenernos.
Respetamos los ciclos y expresiones de la naturaleza, porque somos naturaleza.
No actuamos para ganar, actuamos para vivir y aprender.
Nos motiva la inspiración, el amor y la integridad.
Exploramos, descubrimos, sentimos y reímos.
Estamos construyendo un mundo que funciona para todos.
Procuramos vivir nuestras vidas en todo su potencial.
Somos independientes, auto-suficientes y responsables.
Nos relacionamos mútuamente en paz, con compasión y respeto; nos unimos en comunidad.
Celebramos la Totalidad que se encuentra en nuestro interior y a nuestro alrededor.
Danzamos con el ritmo de la creación.
Tejemos los hilos de los nuevos tiempos.
Somos la nueva civilizacion.
Somos Anonymous.
Flemming Funch, 1995 - Ilkermn, 2010 (last line / la última línea)
Estamos aquí.
Estamos despertando ahora del pasado para soñar un sueño mas grande.
Somos amigos e iguales, somos diversos y únicos, y estamos unidos por algo mayor que nuestras diferencias.
Creemos en la libertad y la cooperación, abundancia y armonía.
Somos una cultura emergente, un renacimiento de la esencia de la humanidad.
Encontramos nuestra propia guia, y discernimos nuestra propia verdad.
Vamos en muchas direcciones y aún asi nos rehusamos a dispersarnos.
Tenemos muchos nombres, hablamos muchas lenguas.
Somos locales, somos globales.
Estamos en todas las regiones del mundo, estamos en el aire, en todas partes.
Somos universo tomando conciencia de si; somos la ola de la evolución.
Estamos en los ojos de cada niño, encaramos lo desconocido maravillados y excitados.
Somos mensajeros del futuro, viviendo en el presente.
Venimos del silencio, y decimos nuestra verdad.
No podemos estar callados, porque nuestra voz esta dentro de todos.
No tenemos enemigos, ningún límite puede detenernos.
Respetamos los ciclos y expresiones de la naturaleza, porque somos naturaleza.
No actuamos para ganar, actuamos para vivir y aprender.
Nos motiva la inspiración, el amor y la integridad.
Exploramos, descubrimos, sentimos y reímos.
Estamos construyendo un mundo que funciona para todos.
Procuramos vivir nuestras vidas en todo su potencial.
Somos independientes, auto-suficientes y responsables.
Nos relacionamos mútuamente en paz, con compasión y respeto; nos unimos en comunidad.
Celebramos la Totalidad que se encuentra en nuestro interior y a nuestro alrededor.
Danzamos con el ritmo de la creación.
Tejemos los hilos de los nuevos tiempos.
Somos la nueva civilizacion.
Somos Anonymous.
Flemming Funch, 1995 - Ilkermn, 2010 (last line / la última línea)
Here is our manifesto for a New Civilization
We are the New Civilization
We are here.
We are waking up now, out of the past, to dream a bigger dream.
We are friends and equals,
we are diverse and unique, and
we're united for something bigger than our differences.
We believe in freedom and cooperation, abundance and harmony.
We are a culture emerging, a renaissance of the essence of humanity.
...We find our own guidance, and we discern our own truth.
We go in many directions, and yet we refuse to disperse.
We have many names, we speak many languages.
We are local, we are global.
We are in all regions of the world, we're everywhere in the air.
We are universe being aware of itself, we are the wave of evolution.
We are in every child's eyes, we face the unknown with wonder and excitement.
We are messengers from the future, living in the present.
We come from silence, and we speak our truth.
We cannot be quieted, because our voice is within everyone.
We have no enemies, no boundaries can hold us.
We respect the cycles and expressions of nature, because we are nature.
We don't play to win, we play to live and learn.
We act out of inspiration, love and integrity.
We explore, we discover, we feel, and we laugh.
We are building a world that works for everyone.
We endeavor to live our lives to their fullest potential.
We are independent, self-sufficient and responsible.
We relate to each other in peace, with compassion and respect,
we unite in community.
We celebrate the wholeness within and around us all.
We dance to the rhythm of creation.
We weave the threads of the new times
written in 1995 by Flemming Funch.
We are here.
We are waking up now, out of the past, to dream a bigger dream.
We are friends and equals,
we are diverse and unique, and
we're united for something bigger than our differences.
We believe in freedom and cooperation, abundance and harmony.
We are a culture emerging, a renaissance of the essence of humanity.
...We find our own guidance, and we discern our own truth.
We go in many directions, and yet we refuse to disperse.
We have many names, we speak many languages.
We are local, we are global.
We are in all regions of the world, we're everywhere in the air.
We are universe being aware of itself, we are the wave of evolution.
We are in every child's eyes, we face the unknown with wonder and excitement.
We are messengers from the future, living in the present.
We come from silence, and we speak our truth.
We cannot be quieted, because our voice is within everyone.
We have no enemies, no boundaries can hold us.
We respect the cycles and expressions of nature, because we are nature.
We don't play to win, we play to live and learn.
We act out of inspiration, love and integrity.
We explore, we discover, we feel, and we laugh.
We are building a world that works for everyone.
We endeavor to live our lives to their fullest potential.
We are independent, self-sufficient and responsible.
We relate to each other in peace, with compassion and respect,
we unite in community.
We celebrate the wholeness within and around us all.
We dance to the rhythm of creation.
We weave the threads of the new times
written in 1995 by Flemming Funch.
Dear Anonymous from around the World
Once again, we at Anonymous Spain, are forced to ask for your help regarding a subject that affects us in Spain directly.
On January 16th, 2011, we asked for help from Anons around the world, to participate in a DDoS attack as a sign of protest against the "Synde Law", which is intended to close any web page which they considered illegal without the need to go through a judge.
The Senate vote for this law was planned for the 23rd of February, 2011, but without any warning, the 8th of February (15th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the CyberSpace) it was announced that the "Sinde Law" would be voted the next day, the 9th of February, 2011, taking everyone by surprise and jeopardizing our capacity to react.
This particular law, thanks to a deal between the Government (SP) and the opposition, has been aproved in the Senate, and must be now voted in Congress, in about 4 weeks, aprox. All our protests, demonstrations, DDoS attacks have been in vain. There has been no acceptance of dialogue, there has been no acceptance of what we have suggested.
The Goya Cinema Academy Awards will be celebrated on Sunday 13th in Spain. This Academy has clearly shown their support of this law, and we believe that it is itself entirely corrupted. In short, they are using public money in their own interest, diverting public subsidies, at the pleasure of an also corrupt Ministry of Culture.
On February 13th hundreds of us will attend the Goya awards, and invade the red carpet as a sign of protest against the Sinde Law with our masks and suits.
A DDoS attack has also been scheduled against the Cinema Academy website. A lot of us will be in our way to the Goya Awards ceremony and we will leave the LOIC in HIVE MIND mode, but our strength will be weakened because of that.
We need your support. We need the strength of Anonymous in order to defy the government tirany, and to defy a law that doesn't benefit anyone except for the government itself, and those governing us. We need your help.
The attack has been scheduled for Sunday 13 of Feb of 2011 at 16:00h (GMT+1)
but will start at about 16:20h aproximately.
The channels where this will be carried out and organized are #Hispano for Spanish speaking Anons and #Leysinde for English and French speaking Anons, and those speaking other languages, around the world..
Now more than ever we must show them that we never forget, we never forgive, we are legion. We need your support, please do not leave us stranded. Lets give them the awards that they deserve!
Ayúdales a decir NO a la ley Sinde definitivamente
Esta ley esconde entre sus páginas una de las leyes más represivas que puede sufrir internet, la llamada Ley Sinde (diseñada por la SGAE y la Industria Cultural). Una ley que el Partido Popular (y probablemente otros grupos parlamentarios) están a punto de apoyar dando un giro irreversible a la libertad de expresión en Internet. Actúa rápidamente para evitarlo, exige a los representantes y a las bases de tu partido que apoyen las enmiendas para modificar la disposición final segunda de la Ley de Economía Sostenible (ley Sinde). Muéstrales tu preocupación ante estos hechos y exige que se posicionen públicamente en contra.
Las negociaciones que el PSOE está llevando a cabo con el resto de los grupos siempre han sido opacas, cerradas al escrutinio público y a la participación ciudadana (como convendría a un régimen verdaderamente democrático). Las consecuencias de esas negociaciones pueden tener efectos devastadores sobre la libertad del conjunto de la ciudadanía. Es el caso de la Ley de Economía Sostenible. Si bien es cierto que España puede necesitar un cambio de modelo económico, el ejecutivo de Zapatero, con la complicidad del PP intenta colar por la puerta de atrás una de la leyes más polémicas de esta legislatura: la llamada Ley Sinde, integrada en la LES (Ley de Economía Sostenible), como Disposición Final 2ª. Dicha propuesta de ley incendió la a los internautas a principios del año porque permitiría el cierre de cualquier web que aloje enlaces a contenidos con copyright, sin orden judicial, sin juicio previo y a petición de una comisión compuesta por las industrias culturales, abanderadas por la SGAE y las grandes discográficas. Infórmate de las implicaciones de esta ley
Estas son las consecuencias que tendrá esa ley:
Las negociaciones que el PSOE está llevando a cabo con el resto de los grupos siempre han sido opacas, cerradas al escrutinio público y a la participación ciudadana (como convendría a un régimen verdaderamente democrático). Las consecuencias de esas negociaciones pueden tener efectos devastadores sobre la libertad del conjunto de la ciudadanía. Es el caso de la Ley de Economía Sostenible. Si bien es cierto que España puede necesitar un cambio de modelo económico, el ejecutivo de Zapatero, con la complicidad del PP intenta colar por la puerta de atrás una de la leyes más polémicas de esta legislatura: la llamada Ley Sinde, integrada en la LES (Ley de Economía Sostenible), como Disposición Final 2ª. Dicha propuesta de ley incendió la a los internautas a principios del año porque permitiría el cierre de cualquier web que aloje enlaces a contenidos con copyright, sin orden judicial, sin juicio previo y a petición de una comisión compuesta por las industrias culturales, abanderadas por la SGAE y las grandes discográficas. Infórmate de las implicaciones de esta ley
Estas son las consecuencias que tendrá esa ley:
- Cierre de webs y medios de comunicación sin orden judicial por un comité seleccionado a dedo por la industria multinacional del entretenimiento.
- Privación de garantías judiciales a medios de comunicación, podrán cerrarlos sin seguir el procedimiento judicial ordinario.
- Comités de expertos censores que no tienen que demostrar ninguna experiencia, amiguismo arbitrario que da poder a gente sin preparación demostrada para censurar y cerrar páginas web y medios de comunicación.
- Ministerio de cultura recibiendo listas de webs a cerrar desde el multinacionales en el extranjero que clausurar.
- Más de 2000 páginas web de La Lista de Sinde pueden ser clausuradas de inmediato.
- Más información sobre La Ley Sinde en:
The Zeitgeist Movement Responds to Egypt and The Wikileaks Fallout
While neither supporting nor condemning the legality of publicizing confidential information, The Zeitgeist Movement seeks to address the issues brought to light via the numerous, previously classified media released through the WikiLeaks organization. These documents accurately define the inner workings of our system as it exists today. We, The Zeitgeist Movement, are entering this public conversation, in order to discuss the relevance of these published documents in relation to the global monetary system and the Egyptian uprising.
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